There are various conventions that are used for naming files, typically be any name provided the last two characters are. Note i am using the professional version of visual studio 2012. Now, double click on form1, the source code window for form1 as shown in figure 2. Normally, a default form with the name form1 will be available for you to start your new project. Notes offer a deeper explanation of a topic or explain interesting or impor.
The program that is to be compiled is first typed into a file on the computer system. It is very important that you keep the notes and descriptions uptodate. Good programming sometime requires to have a precise idea of the inner func. Note that comment statements have been added to the program code as part of the documentation requirement for a programming project. Visual programming quick revision pdf notes, book, ebook. On line 19, a typedef declares pdf to be a pointer to a member function of dog.
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